1. Adaptive Radiation ( Divergent Evolution) : The evolution of different group of organisms from a common ancestral group is called divergent evolution. As the original population increases it spreads out from its center of origin to adapt in habitats and food sources. For eg- Australian marsupials adapted as carnivorous, herbivorous, burrowers, fliers etc.

2. Convergent Evolution ( Convergence) : The process of evolution of unrelated species to resemble each other is called convergent evolution. In this type of evolution the organisms with very different ancestors become more alike because they live in similar habitat. For eg- wings of bats and birds, stream lined body of whales and fishes are analogous structures.

3. Parallel Evolution (Parallelism) : The development of organisms along similar evolutionary paths due to strong selection pressures acting on all of them in the same way. For eg - New world and old world porcupines.

4. Progressive Evolution : This is the type of evolution in which simple forms of organisms develops towards the complex forms and physiological organizations. For eg - evolution of multicellular organisms from unicellular organisms.

5. Retrogressive Evolution : This is the process in which complex forms of organisms develop towards the simpler structural and physiological organizations. For eg - Monocot plants are considered as more advance groups of plants with simple structure and herbaceous habit.


Unknown said...

this really helps me about my reports in biology

like it! :D

Vikesh Thakkar said...

Good one 😊...!!!

Vikesh Thakkar said...

Good one... :)

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