a) Formation of simple compounds : About 4.2 billion years ago the contitions on earth were favorable for the chemical evolution. Such as hydrogen combined with oxygen hydrogen combined with oxygen, hydrogen and carbon to form water, Ammonia, methane and cyanide. They were in gases state due to high temperature of earth. water existed in vapour. The water vapour condensed to form rain. This cycle continued millions of years and resulted cooling of earth and water bodies like river, Lakes and ocean came into existence.
b) Formation of organic compounds : As the temperature cooled down to 100 degree centigrade or even lower, molecules mineral undergoes condensation, Polymerization, Oxidation and reduction to form simple organic compound eg- alcols, Aldehydes, Amino acids, glycerol, Fattyacids, Simple sugars, Purine and pyrimidines etc. These reaction were operated under the infulence of ultraviolent rays, radiation, electricity of thunderstomes and volancanic activities.
c) Formation of complex organic compounds : simple molecules combined to form complex compounds like polysaccharides, fats, proteins, nucleotides, nucleic acids etc.
a)Formation of coacervates : The complex organic compounds of oceanic soup were accumulated due to intermolecular attraction and forms large and highly organised collidal system. These were named as coacervates. The coacervates aquired the ability to exchange energy and could grow.
b) Formation of primative life : The coacervates contains biologically important macro molecules such as proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, nucleic proteins and other organic and inorganic substance. The prokaryotes evolved about 3.8 billions year ago. They were chemoheterotrops and anaerobes.
c) Origin of Autotrops :Primitive autotrops were developed from heterotrops. The primitive autotrops used chemical energy for synthesis of carbohydrates. They are chemoautotrops. The first aerobic photosynthetic organisms probably were cyanobacteria evolve organic 3300-3500 millions years ago. They were the earliest oxygen producing photoautotrops.
d) Origin of Eukaryotic cell ( true nucleus cell) : After the evolution of free oxygen in the environment conditions, suitable for aerobic respiration established upon the earth about 2.7 billion years ago. The prokaryotic modified gradually to adapt the aerobic mode of respiration. They developed a true nucleus, mitochondria and other cell organelles. Thus, free living eukaryotes originated in the ocen probably about 1.6 billions years ago. these eukaryotes were like unicellular organisms of today.
b) Formation of organic compounds : As the temperature cooled down to 100 degree centigrade or even lower, molecules mineral undergoes condensation, Polymerization, Oxidation and reduction to form simple organic compound eg- alcols, Aldehydes, Amino acids, glycerol, Fattyacids, Simple sugars, Purine and pyrimidines etc. These reaction were operated under the infulence of ultraviolent rays, radiation, electricity of thunderstomes and volancanic activities.
c) Formation of complex organic compounds : simple molecules combined to form complex compounds like polysaccharides, fats, proteins, nucleotides, nucleic acids etc.
a)Formation of coacervates : The complex organic compounds of oceanic soup were accumulated due to intermolecular attraction and forms large and highly organised collidal system. These were named as coacervates. The coacervates aquired the ability to exchange energy and could grow.
b) Formation of primative life : The coacervates contains biologically important macro molecules such as proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, nucleic proteins and other organic and inorganic substance. The prokaryotes evolved about 3.8 billions year ago. They were chemoheterotrops and anaerobes.
c) Origin of Autotrops :Primitive autotrops were developed from heterotrops. The primitive autotrops used chemical energy for synthesis of carbohydrates. They are chemoautotrops. The first aerobic photosynthetic organisms probably were cyanobacteria evolve organic 3300-3500 millions years ago. They were the earliest oxygen producing photoautotrops.
d) Origin of Eukaryotic cell ( true nucleus cell) : After the evolution of free oxygen in the environment conditions, suitable for aerobic respiration established upon the earth about 2.7 billion years ago. The prokaryotic modified gradually to adapt the aerobic mode of respiration. They developed a true nucleus, mitochondria and other cell organelles. Thus, free living eukaryotes originated in the ocen probably about 1.6 billions years ago. these eukaryotes were like unicellular organisms of today.
(hydrogen combines with oxygen) is repeated in 4th line
thanks for your informative post.its helpful to understand it.
chemical and organic evolution
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